Shammiee's avatar


iiiiis Pafu Productions! >3
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I will retire from help with life as of now. It was a very interesting few years, and I met a lot of awesome people. And I really found it valuable that my experiences about anxiety, depression and social fears can help someone else forward.

But I have to say, people with my mentality don't belong there anymore. I want to challenge the troubles in life and defeat them, and I always try to inspire others to do the same. This kind of attitude was hugely appreciated 3 years ago, but the atmosphere has changed so much. Now, people go there to complain about "unsolvable" problems because they were "born that way", and any attempt of trying to tell them to do something about it seems to be taken as an insult to their awesome misery.

Every problem seems to now be because of a chemical imbalance or wrong wiring in the brain, being born in a wrong kind of body or just being born hopelessly badly. And the only thing that can ever help, are drugs and surgical knives. Woo-hoo...

And boy do people get very very mean about it too. Other kind of viewpoints are not accepted, not at all. People don't even wanna hear. A mere mention of a different ideology makes them... ah, so uncomfortable eek anxious. Or just plain angry. The people asking for help rarely complained. It was the onlookers who loved to tell me how bad and harmful my advice was.

There was always someone here and there, who still found my experiences and advice to be truly inspiring and helped them forward so I have stuck around for this long, but now, for the longest time, not.

I have come to the conclusion, that people don't want to change. They don't want to forgive bad deeds. They don't want to understand their traumas. They don't want to remember things they have blocked off... they'd rather blame it all of brain chemistry and DNA, live with it, and take pills for it.

I don't want ever again to hear even once someone explaining to me what a clinical depression is. I don't want someone to tell me which part of the brain causes social anxiety. I know. I know everything they're going to say a hundred times already. The explanation is always the same, it always comes from the same sources, and it always falls apart at the same places. I know what these problems are. And I know where this brain chemistry theory falls short. I had clinical depression and social anxiety amongst other mental illnesses for ten years. And I defeated all of them. If people truly think I'm not worth listening to...... well. I mean, what should I do about it. XD

And you know what. I have nothing against this. Everyone has the right to live how they wish to. After all, I'm a product of the beginning of 90's, so my methods of dealing with problems are no doubt already horribly outdated to most people on this site. It hurt a bit my pride at the beginning, people devaluing my struggles to overcome these things in such insulting ways... going as far as to say: "well, if you managed to cure them, you didn't have it in the first place", but not anymore. Like, it's your life, not mine. I am already happy, and I will make sure my friends and family live a happy life as well. Anyone else's choices are their own.

DeviantArt's Help with Life is a place where I met numerous friends, changed even a more huge number of fates, and found a very important piece of who I am. And I will never forget that. Everything has to come to an end one day. And I think that the time for me to write on help with life to end was about one and a half years ago, but I've still been kicking the dead horse all the way until here. Because, I'm stubborn like that, when something is important to me.

So, I decided to write this poem to the forum to honour the time we have spent together.

Help with Life, your people are blind
      but without blindness, vision loses meaning
             from someone else's eyes, completely new sight we find
         Answers, will another start seeing...

   Answers, to find the way past the desert, inferno and swamp..
           The complexity of human heart and brain.....
       Just all your worries to another person you dump
           also my eyes you train.
  When you see what I see first, you see evermore.
           What I see what you see then, I see evermore.

Thank you for helping me see.

Thank you help with life. May you find new responsible and dedicated helpers to frequent you. May you help people see together once more!

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This is a collection of stuff I have told other people about defeating depression. I tried to include things which work for as many cases as possible.


I would say that defeating depression is based on four things:

- Finding repeatable fun and happy things to do in your everyday life
- Learning safe coping mechanisms against anxiety
- Dealing with past traumas and understanding yourself
- Taking control of the direction in your life and starting to follow your dreams

This will eventually change the objective viewpoint of your own life to feel like you can handle it, survive the hard parts and enjoy the easy parts, and that itself counters depression as it is.


A functional person learns from the past, lives the present to the fullest, and builds their future.
A depressed person lives in the past, shuts themselves away from the present, and fears their future.


If a child experiences being loved and plentiful happy moments in their childhood, they will feel like world is a place where happiness and love is abundant, and they aren't afraid to share it to others, and they have courage to go through difficult times, because they know better times will come.

If a 
child experiences very little happiness and love in their childhood, they learn to cling to every little bit of happiness, fiercely protect it from anything that can take it away, be paranoid of anything and anyone that they try to steal it and feel crushed and lost as soon as they have a more difficult time.

....but, I've noticed that even those with a happy childhood can be crushed later, when things change too quickly, too much, and they have to go through all of that change alone.


Medicine cannot fix past traumas, unrewarding jobs, betrayals, lack of trustworthy friends, the absence of love... but it can make you blind to it.

I think you are right to feel bad about such things. I think no one should be happy around things such as these. I believe you are worth getting out of traumas, and finding rewarding jobs, trust, friends, love... and not rendered content to these things with pills.

But, I believe no one gets born to feel bad in this world. I believe there is no birth defect that forces you to be sadder than others. Some believe differently from me, though. I believe they want too easy answers. I believe they don't want to work for their happiness. Some people get it without much work, after all. Some people get family and friends who give them happiness, some get family and friends who suck it out of them. It's unfair, but I don't want to treat unfairness with pills either.

Anxiety medicine is awesome though. Ahh, highly recommended!
Did you know that shyness is actually just a lack of alcohol in your brain? It's a chemical imbalance that's easy to fix!

Trust, hope and love are all choices, not feelings. 

If you know that someone is going to keep their promise, you don't need to trust them. You just know they're going to keep it anyway. And if you knot that someone is definitely not going to keep it, you would be foolish to trust them just because you wish it so hard.

When you know that things will be alright, you don't need hope. When you know that something is going to fail, hope would be misguided. When you cannot understand and cannot control something, that's when you need hope.

When you are happy to give and care, love isn't required. When you are unwilling to give and 
care, love isn't present. When you give and care regardless if you feel like you want to and if it makes you happy, that's what it is to love someone.

....but, love is such a complicated phenomenon, I bet anyone can agree an infinity of specifications and exceptions to this. But should we? Some things I personally like to keep simple.


Helping others is easy. You can see their problems from an objective perspective. You aren't stuck with their emotions and their attitudes, that blind them to the world outside the box. You can analyze their situation without problem, and you can tell them where to go.

Helping yourself is easy. You know your situation better than anyone, you can increase your knowledge as much as you need by self-reflection and studies, and you have infinite power over yourself to change your insides and surroundings as you please.

.....but because of the same reasons, it's hard to help yourself, and it's hard to help others sometimes. This is why you never have to choose between helping yourself and helping others. You can always do both. 

Sometimes time, dedication or resources are required for helping. Then you can't help yourself and someone else at the same time. Then you have to make decisions... which one needs love the most now. How to avoid bigger damage. Who needs it more, and faster.


A depressed person sees everything as dark. All threats, all problems, all past traumas, all the failures, all the unknown variables of the future... and they can only paint fear, sadness, angler and anxiety out of this. But, to all of these things is a flip side. For every threat, there is something certain. For every problem, there is a simple moment. For every trauma, there is a happy memory. For every failure, there is a success. For every unknown variable of the future, there is a very sure variable of the future.

When a person has to fight too hard against troubles, they have to stop paying attention to all the positive things in order to survive. And when they keep doing it for too long, they forget how to see those positive things again. How to see all of this, might be what defeating depression is all about.


Depression is made out of emptiness and anxiety.
Anxiety is made out of feelings that have been crammed inside for later, twisted into a yarn ball where you cannot see a beginning nor end.
Emptiness is made out of fatigue. When everything is too harsh and complicated to process, you can't make out anything. Then, it is calming to be empty.

Life such as this is devoid of fun, motivation and hope. It takes a hero to live in that world and conquer it. It takes also a hero to dig into someone else's world, and pull them out of it. These heroes won't get recognized or popularity for their deeds, but the happiness they receive in the end, is worth far more than that.


Anyone who is either clever with wits or kind of heart can defeat depression. The clever one knows they're in the dark, seeks the direction out, and walks one step at a time towards that. The kind-hearted walks towards kind actions just because they want to, which is a way out in and of itself. A kind person always has a place in this world, and a rewarding one at that, even if it doesn't sometimes feel like that for years.

Some people have neither. I hope they see it encouraging to find these things.


Don't try to fight depression or run from it. Treat your anxiety, hopelessness, fears, traumas.... whatever you experience in depression. Depression is darkness that seeps from these things, and without them it cannot exist. If you fight against depression, all you fight against is your own broken heart.

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I quit.

1 min read
For now. :v

Lately (as in past year or two), I've stopped pretty much drawing completely, and focused on programming muuuuch much more (has to do with my job, and the change of people around me (again XD)), both during my free time and work time. This isn't really a site where people can easily post programming-related things, so I haven't much to show these days over here. >_>

It seems that programming is going to dramatically reign over my drawing in the future too, so I'm going to go to radio silence now. I'll return if I have something remarkable to actually show sometime! :3

Keep at it, whatever you're at! See yoo! >: D
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...I'm not doing nanowrimo though. On November 2015 I wrote about 120,000 words for the story of a visual novel during November, and I think that was enough Nanowrimo for me.
Kotori Smile Icon

But since it's currently going, I decided to put that as the title anyway! Neptune Wink Icon

I actually just wanted to tell you again why I haven't been on very much this year. Well, that's obvious, isn't it. It's because I made babies with an incredible woman that I love far more than I thought I would. You know, the usual reason people aren't available very much~
Yuuri Grin Icon 

She will pop into this world totally soon and I'm tooootally gonna give her an awesome childhood! I'm a bit (lot) limited on time I can use by sitting at the computer. Even now. Futaba Angry Icon


What else... well! One and a half years ago I decided that I'm gonna actively start trying to talk with people I meet outside my house, not be afraid of them anymore, and not be jealous about something random to everyone I see. Hahaha... well. I think I finally did it. At some point. Phew, life feels much better like this.

Geeeezzz these traumas and attitudes take a long time to fix.
It was a pain in the butt.  Kotori Smile Icon 

And also, BOTH the companies where I worked for the past year were startups that ran out of money. That is so incredibly meh. But now I'm in a huge construction company that has offices all over the world, so I'm hoping this time I actually hit something a bit more stable...
Satoshi Pout Icon
But, at least I met a lot of awesome people in those companies, and you get to keep those! Tamako Kitashirakawa (Smile) [V1]


Lastly, I've just noticed recently that a lot of young (and sometimes older too) boys and girls have trouble with understanding each other on a certain thing. So I'll just explain this.

Biologically, girls fall in love as fast as boys are ready to have sex. And biologically, boys fall in love as slowly as girls are ready to have sex. I've heard a lot of stories where boys and girls can't understand each other on this thing. But biology is our friend. There's no need to fight against that. If you think about boys' and girls' roles in babymaking and -raising, you might understand why it is this way.

With both things, someone needs to be fast and brave and needy, and someone needs to take it slower and use brains. This is how it works the best. Just try to understand each other. Because love is awesome~
 Otome Smiles Icon 

I've drawn too, sometimes, but... eh.. scanning is a hassle. Somehow I got MORE lazy with scanning when I got a scanner in our own house... somehow.

Anyways, just contact me anywhere if you wanna talk. I wish you all well! 
Hiyori Iki (Waving) [V1]
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5 min read
I was tagged by Cindy. I wonder if she wants to know more about me, or if she just ran out of people to tag... XD
...but since she's a wonderful person, I'll do it if she tags me~ <3



.:Mini moon n star:. How old are you ?

I'm 24 ~ what I initially wrote. But actually I'm 25. It's just really hard to get used to that.

.:Mini moon n star:. What gender and pronouns do you identify with ?

I identify with being myself. If my part is to push out babies, then I do that. If my part is to support the one doing that, then I do that.
Finnish people only use one pronoun for 3rd person singular, and I identify with that one.
...BUT. You can't really hurt me by calling me with a different pronoun either, I welcome you to try. >:3

.:Mini moon n star:. Your name ?

Just call me whatever you wanna. All my names are Finnish and difficult to pronounce. XD

.:Mini moon n star:.   How social are you ?

Very, very much.
I mean, is there anything in this world as wonderful as other people?
Well, yes. People that make me happy as well! :3
...of course there are people who I can't like even if I try, but I suppose that's for everyone.

Go human species! I love ya! <3
(Try not to destroy yourselves in the future!)


 .:Mini moon n star:. How long have you been on DeviantArt ?

Enough to see the that I might not be a teenage girl inside anymore. Maaaybe.

 .:Mini moon n star:. What are your future plans for the site ?

Continue being a therapist/life-coach from now on too.

 .:Mini moon n star:. Do you want to pursue a career in art ?

No... no. Not really. I want to get paid for my effort, for example.

 .:Mini moon n star:. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your art skills ?

UHHHHHHH. Do I have skills? I just draw... 

 .:Mini moon n star:. Do you ever plan on leaving deviantART ?

Definitely. At some point, I'm not gonna have enough time to be a therapist/life-coach online anymore, because I'm becoming more and more of a therapist/life-coach offline. And what should I do in DeviantArt if I'm not doing that? XD

 .:Mini moon n star:. Who is your favourite visual artist ?

...and no, the hands don't ruin it for me.

 .:Mini moon n star:. Do you use a tablet or a mouse ?


 .:Mini moon n star:. How long does it usually take you to complete your artwork ?

An hour. If it takes more than that, I won't finish it.

 .:Mini moon n star:. How well do you handle criticism ?

Criticism is as good as the reasoning behind it. Isn't it?
Let's say that I handle logic well. I handle moodiness badly. XD


 .:Mini moon n star:.  What is your sexuality/romantic preference ?

-> My sexual preference is girls who are really playful and creative, get attention from people, have a face and hairstyle I looove, love touches, know how to play me like an instrument, aren't overweight or unstylish, and have lots of confidence in both their body and mind.
-> My romantic preference is girls who show kindness to both friends and strangers, don't ask for anything in return for said kindness, talk about everything and share everything with their friends, are able to handle normal life without breaking down frequently, can take it no probs when life or people slap them into face, aren't addicted to certain meds/drugs/foods to stay happy or functional, and go to huge lengths to not lose important people from their lives.

^ Did I mention that my standards are pretty high? :3

 .:Mini moon n star:. Are you currently in a relationship ?

"currently".... that's terrible. XD
It sounds like it's a status that should frequently change, ahaha!
.... "o__o

 .:Mini moon n star:. Is your partner/spouse a deviant ?

And decently popul-  :3 oh, wait.
...I just realized that I really get all my online friends from this site. Why..... ".__.

 .:Mini moon n star:.  How long are you going to be together ?

Until death do us apart!! >:3
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Help with Life retirement by Shammiee, journal

Defeating Depression by Shammiee, journal

I quit. by Shammiee, journal

Happy Nanowrimo! by Shammiee, journal

Taggu by Shammiee, journal